Enkelklachten fysiotherapie middenweg amsterdam oost

Ankle complaints

The distortion is the most known ankle complaint. This occurs most between the ages of 15-24, more so in males than in females. During a severe distortion the ankle ligaments sprain or tear. The symptoms are pain and swelling.

A hemorrhage is often seen at the outside This often lowers to the outside of the foot. The complaints limit you in walking and descending on stairs.

The ankle joint is the connection between your foot and leg. It it formed by the talus and heel bone. It enables you to move your foot up- and downwards and make pro- and supination. The joint is protected by cartilage and ligaments.

Osteoarthritis is not very common.  Ankle injuries like repetitive distortions, bone fracture or rheumatic diseases can cause premature osteoarthritis.


The treatment of ankle complaints

The treatment of ankle complaints initially focuses on support and protection of the ankle. This is done with tape. The injured ligaments need to rest and can’t be stretched in the first few weeks. The tape is constructed in a way that makes it possible to walk normally. The swelling will decrease gradually after which the tape can be phased out. Often this happens within 3 weeks.

The stability of the ankle can still be limited for a long time though. Which is why exercise therapy is started after the tape is phased out. The exercises are focused on improving mobility and stability. The muscles have to support the function of the joint ligaments.

Insight in your recovery

The mobility and swelling of the ankle are measured weekly. The increase of the exercises take place gradually and is fitted to your personal situation and the natural recovery.

Occurred swelling and pain complaints determine the progress. If the ankle if no longer painful and swollen and you have no more complaints in your daily life, the therapy will be ended. With athletes sport specific function tests will determine whether returning to their sports is wise.

What if your complaints persist?

A small percentage of patients deals with persistent complaints. In many cases we have to be patient and further medical examination is not necessary. With long-term pain or swelling we can look at alternative options after consulting with your general practitioner.

